Monday 21 September 2009

Award winning planted aquariums

"Old Chinese Garden" by PJ. Magnin, Velp, Netherlands

Had a massive crisis this weekend, after being on holiday for two weeks, I left my prized fish tank in the hands of my Friend. It was not her fault but when I returned I found two fish missing, my friend did not notice. They died from over feeding, the bodies poised my tank, and I was left with high Nitrate, after being poorly advised I added a chemical to my tank and a fish that was sick from a bacterial infection due to water poisoning went belly, up. they the rest of my fish started turning a funny colour and dying. I managed to get a bucket and save the fish, but it was touch and go, and surprisingly upsetting. I care a lot about my fish and the result of careless action has caused their death. Looking after fish is harder work than I thought, but has been very rewarding. My tank looks nothing like the award winning tanks in the article from the Los Angeles Times, but goes to show what people can achieve with some passion, and thought. These tanks are stunning, Aquascaping is my new word.

Thanks Justin

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